1/16/17: Get to Know God Better in 2017 – Sharon’s New Book!
Friends, Thank you for all your birthday wishes. Sixty – yes 60 – is starting off strong. Let’s give each other a birthday gift. Your gift to me will be to purchase my new book, 366 Glimpses of God: Getting to Know the God Who Knows You. My gift to you is the journey you’ll take getting to know God better while reading each devotion every day this year.
It only takes the sale of 10,000 books to crown a Christian book as a “best seller.” Please help me move 366 Glimpses into that category. Perhaps you’re a family member or a personal friend. Maybe you heard me speak, teach, or preach; or you were one of my former students. However it happened, our paths crossed positively at some time in life. Starting with the 400 of you who sent me a birthday wish, here’s how the numbers look:
1. Each of you please purchase 2 copies – one for yourself and one for your pastor, women’s ministry leader, or men’s ministry leader. That’s 800 books.
2. Then please request for those ministry leaders to purchase books, either for their whole congregation, for their women’s group, or for their men’s group. If each church would purchase just 25 books, the goal would be more than met!
Click the link below from www.hsbn.tv, or paste it in to order!
Join the movement and get to know God better this year!